Tuesday, November 4, 2008

bad news

Hi Mr. Reeder,
I got a bit of bad news... my ridiculous camera does not have any of the stuff that you're talking about. So I have no idea how Im going to do all of this. It has no aperture no shutter speed, no crap. And to be perfectly honest with you... I don't really get it either. So if you wouldn't mind takeing some time a demonstrating I'd greatly appriciate it. By the way what kind of camera do you recomend getting around $300.
Thank you

1 comment:

MrReederCPFA said...

Tori,First of all, I appreciate the effort you put into my class. I know you are working and trying. It can be hard when many others have more experience. I my end as well, it can be difficult teaching when there are people in so many different levels of experience. I wanted to give you some time yesterday to help you understand the camera, but it gets tough when there are 10 others asking different questions. If it is ever possible, it would be great if you could stay late some day, or a couple days so we can go over things with less interruption. I am here Tuesday, Thursday and Friday until at least 3:30, and can stay later if needed. I know the limitations of your camera. There are a number of people in the class with similar cameras. My goal is not to make everyone perfect in working manual cameras, but just to give everyone an understanding of how the camera works. With a good understanding of hoe the camera works, you will be able to make it do things that you would never be able to do purposefully with the camera fully on automatic. Al cameras have the elements I have been teaching. Even your camera has an aperture and a shutter, you just don't have full manual control over them. If you understand how they work though, you will be able to concentrate on making great pictures, and using photoshop, and all the cool toys there are out there. Let me know if you an give me a little time after school some day.